Universala Vortaro de la Lingvo Internacia Esperanto
(kun Akademiaj Korektoj)
L.L. Zamenhof
Everything written in the international language Esperanto can be
translated by means of this vocabulary. If several words are required
to express one idea, they must be written in one, but, separated by
commas; e.g. "frat'in'o" though one idea, is yet composed of three
words, which must be looked for separately in the vocabulary.
a termination of adjectives; e.g. hom' manhom'a human
abat' abbot
abel' bee
abi' fir
ablativ' ablative
abomen' abomination
abon' subscribe
abrikot' apricot
absces' abscess
absint' absinth
acer' maple
aĉet' buy;
sub'aĉet' suborn, bribe
acid' acid, sour
ad' denotes duration of action; e.g. danc' dancedanc'ad' dancing
adiaŭ adieu, good-bye
adjektiv' adjective
administr' administer
admir' admire
admon' exhort
ador' adore
adult' commit adultery
adverb' adverb
aer' air;
aer'um' expose to the air
afabl' affable;
mal'afabl' surly
afekt' be affected, mince
afer' affair
ag' act
aĝ' age
agac' setting on edge (teeth, etc.)
agl' eagle
agord' tune (vb.)
agrabl' agreeable
aĵ' made from or possessing the quality of; e.g. sek' drysek'aĵ' dry goods
ajl' garlic
ajn ever; e.g. kiu whokiu ajn whoever
akar' mite (insect)
akcel' accelerate
akcent' accent (tonic)
akcept' accept
akcipitr' hawk
akir' acquire
akn' pimple
akompan' accompany
akr' sharp
akrid' grasshopper
aks' axle
akuŝ' be confined (in childbed) (intr.);
akuŝ'ist'in' midwife
akuzativ' accusative
akv' water
al to
alaŭd' lark
alcion' halcyon
ali' other
alk' elk
almenaŭ at least
almoz' alms
aln' alder
alt' high
altar' altar
alte' marshmallow
altern' alternate
alud' allude
alumet' match
alun' alum
am' love
amas' crowd, mass
ambaŭ both
ambos' anvil
amel' starch
amfibi' amphibian
amik' friend
am'ind'um' court, make love
amoniak' ammoniac
ampleks' extent, size
amuz' amuse
an' inhabitant, member; e.g. Nov-Jork New YorkNov-Jork'an' New Yorker;
an'ar' troop
ananas' pine-apple
anas' duck;
mol'anas' eider-duck
anĝel' angel
angil' eel
angul' corner, angle
anim' soul
aniz' anise (arom. plant)
ankaŭ also
ankoraŭ yet, still
ankr' anchor
anonc' announce, advertize
anser' goose
anstataŭ instead;
anstataŭ'i replace
ant' ending of pres. part. act. in verbs
antaŭ before
antaŭtuk' apron
antikv' ancient, antique
antimon' antimony
Anunciaci' Annunciation
apart' separate, special
aparten' belong
apenaŭ scarcely
aper' appear;
mal'aper' disappear
aplaŭd' applaud
apog' lean upon, support (trans.)
apr' wild boar
April' April
aprob' approve
apud nearby
ar' a collection of objects; e.g. vort' wordvort'ar' dictionary
arane' spider
aranĝ' arrange
arb' tree;
arb'et'aĵ' shrub, bush
arbitr' arbitrary
arĉ' bow (Violin, etc.)
arde' heron
ardez' slate (substance)
aren' arena
arest' arrest
arĝent' silver
argil' clay
argument' argue
arĥitektur' architecture
ark' arch, bow;
ark'aĵ' vault
arleken' harlequin
arm' to arm
arogant' arrogant
arsenik' arsenic
art' art
artifik' artifice
artik' joint
artikol' article
artiŝok' artichoke
artrit' gout
as ending of the present tense in verbs
as' ace
asekur' insure
asign' assign
asparag' asparagus
aspid' asp, adder
at' ending of pres. part. pass. in verbs
atak' attack
atenc' make an attempt against, assault
atend' wait, expect
atent' attentive
atest' attest, testify (certify)
ating' attain, reach
atripl' orach (bot.)
atut' a trump (cards)
aŭ or
aŭd' hear
Aŭgust' August
aŭskult' listen
aŭtun' autumn, fall
av' grandfather
avar' covetous
avel' hazel-nut
aven' oats
aventur' adventure
avert' warn
avid' greedy, eager
aviz' a notice, notification
azen' ass
azot' nitrogen, azote
babil' chatter
bagatel' trifle, toy
bajonet' bayonet
bak' bake
bala' sweep (vb.)
balanc' balance, swing
balbut' stammer
baldaken' canopy
baldaŭ soon
balen' whale;
balen'ost' whale-bone
balustrad' balustrade
bambu' bamboo
ban' bath
band' band
bant' knot (of ribbon, etc.)
bapt' baptise;
bapt'an' sponsor, gossip, God-relation;
bapt'o'fil' god-son;
bapt'o'patr' Godfather
bar' bar, obstruct;
bar'il' barrier
barakt' throw oneself about, struggle
barb' beard
barbir' barber
barĉ' beetroot soup
barel' keg, barrel
bark' bark (ship)
bask' basque (of bodice, coat, etc.)
bast' bast, inner bark (tree)
bastion' bulwark
baston' stick
bat' beat
batal' fight;
batal'il' weapon
bazar' bazar
bed' bed (garden)
bedaŭr' regret, be sorry
bek' beak
bel' beautiful
beladon' belladonna, deadly nightshade
ben' bless
benk' bench
ber' berry
best' animal, beast
bet' red beet
betul' birch (tree)
bezon' need, want
bien' goods, estate
bier' beer
bind' bind (books)
bird' bird
biskvit' biscuit
bismut' bismuth
blank' white
blat' blackbeetle, cockroach
blek' cry (of beasts)
blind' blind
blond' blond, fair
blov' blow (trans.)
blu' blue
bo' relation by marriage; e.g. patr'in' motherbo'patr'in' mother-in-law
boa' boa (serpent)
boat' boat, bark
boben' spool, bobin
boj' bark (dog's)
bol' boil (vb.)
bombon' a sweet, bonbon
bon' good
bor' bore (vb.)
boraks' borax
bord' shore
border' border, hem
bors' bourse, exchange
bot' boot
botel' bottle
bov' ox
brak' arm
bram' bream
bran' bran
branĉ' branch
brand' brandy
brank' gill, fish-ear
brasik' cabbage
brav' valiant, brave
bret' shelf, rack
brid' bridle
brik' brick
bril' shine
briliant' brilliant, gem
brod' embroider
brog' scald
bronz' bronze
bros' brush
brov' eye-brow
bru' noise
brul' burn (v.n.);
brul'um' inflammation
brun' brown
brust' breast
brut' head of cattle
bub' lad, urchin
bubal' buffalo
buĉ' slaughter, butcher
bud' booth, shop
buf' toad
bufed' buffet
buk' buckle, clasp
buked' nosegay
bukl' curl, ringlet
bul' lump, clod, ball
bulb' bulb, onion
buljon' broth
bulk' manchet loaf, roll (bread)
burd' bumble-bee, humble-bee
burĝ' burgher
burĝon' bud
buŝ' mouth;
buŝ'um' muzzle
buŝel' bushel
buter' butter
butik' small shop
buton' button;
buton'um' button
C, Ĉ
ĉargren' vex, annoy
ĉam' wild goat
ĉambelan' chamberlain
ĉambr' room, chamber
ĉampan' champagne
ĉan' cock (of a gun)
ĉap' cap, bonnet
ĉapel' hat
ĉapitr' chapter
ĉar for, since, because
ĉarlatan' charlatan
ĉarm' charm
ĉarnir' hinge
ĉarpent' do carpenter's work;
ĉarpent'ist' carpenter
ĉarpi' lint for a wound
ĉas' hunt;
ĉas'aĵ' game, venison
ĉast' chaste
ĉe at
ced' yield, give up
cedr' cedar
ĉef' chief (adj.), head
cejan' corn-flower
cel' aim
ĉel' cell
cement' cement, lute
ĉemiz' shirt
ĉen' chain
cent' hundred
cerb' brain
ĉeriz' cherry
ĉerk' coffin
ĉerp' draw (water, etc.)
cert' certain, sure;
cert'ig' assure
cerv' deer;
nord'a cerv' reindeer
ĉes' cease, desist
ceter' rest, remainder
ĉeval' horse
ci thou;
ci'a thy, thine
ĉi denotes proximity; e.g. tiu thattiu ĉi this; tie theretie ĉi here
ĉia every, every kind of
ĉiam always
ĉie everywhere
ĉiel in every manner
ĉiel' sky, heaven;
ĉiel'ark' rainbow;
ĉiel'ir' Ascension
ĉif' crumple, tumble
cifer' a cipher, numerical figure;
cifer'plat' dial
ĉifon' rag
cigar' cigar
cigared' cigarette
cign' swan
ĉikan' cavil at, gossip mischievously
cikatr' scar, cicatrice
cikoni' stork
cikori' chicory
cim' bug
cimbal' cymbal
cinabr' cinnabar
cinam' cinnamon
cindr' ash, cinder
ĉio everything
cipres' cypress
cir' shoe-polish
ĉirkaŭ about, around;
ĉirkaŭ'aĵ' environs;
ĉirkaŭ'i encircle, environ;
ĉirkaŭ'o circumference;
ĉirkaŭ'man' bracelet;
ĉirkaŭ'pren' embrace;
ĉirkaŭskrib' circumscribe
cirkel' compasses (geom.)
cirkonstanc' circumstance
cirkuler' circular
cit' cite, quote, name
citr' cithern, zithern
citron' lemon
ĉiu each, every one;
ĉiu'j all
civiliz' civilize
ĉiz' carve, chisel
ĉj' affectionate diminutive of masculine names; e.g. Johan' JohnJoĉj' Johnnie
ĉokolad' chocolate
col' inch
ĉu whether
da is used instead of de after words expressing weight or measure; e.g. funt'o da viand'o a pound of meat, glas'o da te'o a cup of tea
daktil' date (fruit)
dam'o'j draughts
damask' damask
danc' dance
dand' dandy
danĝer' danger
dank' thank
dat' date
dativ' dative
datur' thorn-apple, datura
daŭr' last (intr.);
daŭr'ig' continue
de of, from
dec' be fitting, proper
Decembr' December
decid' decide
deĉifr' decipher
dediĉ' dedicate
defend' defend
degel' thaw
degener' degenerate
degrad' degrade
deĵor' be on duty, on service
dek ten
deklinaci' decline (gram.)
dekliv' declivity
dekstr' right-hand;
mal'dekstr' left
delfen' dolphin
delikat' delicate, fine
delir' be delirious, rave
demand' ask (a question)
demon' demon
denar' denarius (coin)
dens' dense
dent' tooth
denunc' denounce
deput' depute
des' the (the
desegn' design, draw
detal' detailed, in detail
detru' destroy
dev' ought, must;
dev'ig' necessitate, compel
deviz' device
dezert' a desert
dezir' desire
Di' God
diabl' devil
diamant' diamond
diboĉ' live in debauchery
didelf' opossum
difekt' damage, injure
diferenc' differ
difin' define
dig' embankment, dike
digest' digest
dik' thick, corpulent
dikt' dictate
diligent' diligent
dimanĉ' Sunday
dir' say
direkt' direct, steer;
direkt'o direction;
direkt'il'o (de ŝipo) helm
dis' denotes separation; e.g. sem' sowdis'sem' disseminate;
dis'ig' separate, disunite
diskont' discount
dispon' dispose
disput' dispute
distil' distil
disting' distinguish
distr' distract
distrikt' district
diven' divine, guess
divers' various, diverse
divid' divide, share
do then, indeed, however
dolĉ' sweet
dolor' pain (vb.), hurt
dom' house
domaĝ' pity (it is a pity)
domen' domino
don' give;
al'don' add to
donac' make a present
dorlot' spoil (vb.), pet (child)
dorm' sleep
dorn' thorn
dors' back (body)
dot' endow;
dot'o dowry
drak' dragon
drap' woollen cloth
drapir' drape, hang (trans.)
draŝ' thrash (corn)
dres' train (soldier), tame (animal, etc.)
drink' drink to excess, tipple;
drink'ej' inn, tavern
drog' a drug
dron' be drowning
du' two
dub' doubt
duk' duke
dum while, whilst;
dum'e meanwhile
dung' hire, engage
du'on'patr' step-father
e ending of adverbs; e.g. bon' goodbon'e well
eben' even, level
ebl' able, possible;
ebl'e perhaps, may-be
ebon' ebony
ec' denotes qualities; e.g. bon' goodbon'ec' goodness
ec'a qualitative
eĉ even (adv.)
edif' edify
eduk' educate
edz' married person, husband;
edz'iĝ' marry;
edz'ec' marriage, matrimony
efektiv' real, actual
efik' be effectual, work (intr.)
eg' denotes increase of degree; e.g. varm' warmvarm'eg' hot
egal' equal
eĥ' echo
ej' place where an action occurs; e.g. kuir' cookkuir'ej' kitchen
ek' denotes a sudden or momentary action; e.g. kri' cryek'kri' cry out
eks' ex-, late
ekscelenc' Excellency (title)
ekscit' excite
ekskurs' excursion
eksped' dispatch, forward
eksplod' explode
ekspozici' exhibition
ekster outside, besides
eksterm' exterminate
ekstr' extra
ekstrem' extreme
ekzamen' examine, test
ekzekut' execute, put to death
ekzempl' example
ekzempler' copy (of a book, etc.)
ekzerc' practise, exercise (vb.)
ekzil' banish, exile
ekzist' exist
el from, out from
elast' elastic
elefant' elephant
elekt' choose
elokvent' eloquent
em' inclined to; e.g. babil' chatterbabil'em' talkative
emajl' enamel
embaras' embarrassment, perplexity
embri' embryo
embusk' ambush
eminent' eminent
en in (when followed by the accusativeinto)
enigm' puzzle
entrepren' undertake
entuziasm' enthusiasm
enu' be bored, weary
envi' envy
episkop' bishop;
ĉef'episkop' archbishop
epok' epoch
epolet' epaulet, shoulder-strap
er' one of many objects of the same kind; e.g. sabl' sandsabl'er' grain of sand
erar' err, mistake
erinac' hedgehog
ermen' ermine
ermit' hermit, solitary
erp' harrow (vb.)
escept' except
esenc' essence
eskadr' squadron
esper' hope;
mal'esper' despair
esplor' investigate, explore
esprim' express (vb.)
est' be
estim' esteem
esting' extinguish
estr' chief, boss; e.g. ŝip' shipŝip'estr' captain;
estr'ar' government
eŝafod' scaffold
et' denotes dimunition of degree; e.g. rid' laughrid'et' smile
etaĝ' story (of a house)
etat' statement (finance etc.)
etend' extend
eter' ether
etern' eternal
evit' avoid
ezok' pike (fish)
fab' bean
fabel' tale, story
fabl' fable
fabrik' make, manufacture
facet' facet
facil' easy
faden' thread (a);
metal'faden' wire
fag' beech-tree
fajenc' earthenware, crockery
fajf' whistle (vb.)
fajl' file (vb.)
fajr' fire
fak' department, compartment
faktur' invoice
fal' fall;
fal'et' stumble
falbal' flounce, furbelow
falĉ' mow, cut grass;
falĉ'il' scythe
fald' fold, pleat (vb.)
falk' falcon
fals' falsify
fam' rumour, report, fame
famili' family
fand' melt, smelt (vb.)
fanfaron' boast, brag
fantom' phantom, spectre
far' do, make;
far'iĝ' become
faring' pharynx
farm' take on lease
fart' be (well or unwell);
fart'o state
farun' meal, flour
fask' bundle
fason' fashion, make, cut (of clothes, etc.)
fast' fast (vb.)
faŭk' jaw
fav' kind of ringworm
favor' favorable
fazan' pheasant
fe'in' fairy
febr' fever
Februar' February
feĉ' lees, dregs
fel' hide, fleece
feliĉ' happy
felt' felt (cloth)
femur' thigh
fend' split
fenestr' window
fenkol' fennel
fer' iron;
fer'voj' railway
ferdek' deck (of ship)
ferm' shut;
mal'ferm' open
ferment' ferment
fervor' zeal, ardour
fest' celebrate
festen' feast, banquet
fianĉ' betrothed person
fibr' fibre
fid' rely upon, trust on
fidel' faithful
fier' proud
fig' fig
figur' figure, represent
fil' son
filik' fern
filtr' strain, filter
fin' finish, end (trans.)
fingr' finger
firm' firm;
firm'o firm (a)
fiŝ' fish;
fiŝ'ole' fish-oil
fistul' fistula
flag' flag
flam' flame
flan' flawn
flanel' flannel
flank' side
flar' smell (vb.)
flat' flatter
flav' yellow
fleg' nurse, tend
flegm' phlegm
fleks' bend
flik' patch, repair
flirt' flirt, flutter
flok' flake, flock
flor' bloom, flower (vb.);
flor'o flower, bloom
flos' float, raft
flu' flow;
de'flu'il' gutter, channel
flug' fly (vb.);
flug'il' wing
fluid' fluid
flut' flute
foir' fair (subst.)
foj' time (e.g. three times etc.)
fojn' hay
fok' seal (animal)
fokus' focus
foli' leaf, sheet (paper)
fond' found
font' spring, source
fontan' fountain
for forth, away
forĝ' forge (smith's work)
forges' forget
fork' fork
form' form
formik' ant
forn' stove, furnace, oven
for'permes' grant leave of absence, give furlough
fort' strong
fortepian' pianoforte
fortik' solid, durable, robust;
fortik'aĵ' fortress
fos' dig;
fos'il' spade
fosfor' phosphorus
fost' post, stake
frag' strawberry
fragment' fragment
fraj' spawn
frak' dress-coat
frakas' shatter, smash
fraksen' ash (tree)
framason' freemason
framb' raspberry
frand' revel in dainties, junket
franĝ' fringe
frangol' black alder, buck-thorn
frap' hit, knock (vb.)
frat' brother
fraŭl' bachelor;
fraŭl'in' miss
fremd' strange, foreign
frenez' mad, crazy
freŝ' fresh
fring' chaffinch
fringel' siskin
fripon' rogue, knave
friz' friz, curl, dress (hair)
fromaĝ' cheese
front' front
frost' frost
frot' rub
fru' early
frugileg' rook
frukt' fruit
frunt' forehead
ftiz' phthisis, consumption
fulg' soot
fulm' lightning
fum' smoke;
fum'i smoke, fume
fund' bottom
fundament' foundation
funebr' mourning;
funebr'a funereal
funel' funnel, mill-hopper
fung' fungus, mushroom
funt' pound
furaĝ' forage
furioz' furious, raging
furunk' furuncle
fuŝ' bungle, blunder, botch
fusten' fustian
fut' foot (measure)
G, Ĝ
gad' hake, stockfish
gaj' gay, glad
gajl' oak-apple
gajn' gain
gal' gall
galanteri' haberdashery, trimmings
galeri' gallery
galon' galloon (gold or silver lace)
galoŝ' galosh
gam' musical scale, gamut
gamaŝ' gaiter
gant' glove
garanti' guarantee (vb.);
garanti'aĵ' pawn, pledge;
garanti'ul' hostage
garb' sheaf, shock
gard' guard, watch over
ĝarden' garden
gargar' gargle, rinse
gas' gas
gast' guest
gazel' gazel
gazet' gazette, news-paper
ge' of both sexes; e.g. patr' fatherge'patr'o'j parents
gelaten' jelly
ĝem' groan
ĝen' inconvenience, bother, disturb
generaci' generation
genitiv' genitive
genot' genet
gent' race, kind, genus
ĝentil' polite, courteous
genu' knee
ĝerm' germ
gest' gesture
ĝi it
ĝib' hump
gips' gypsum
ĝiraf' giraffe
ĝis up to, until
gitar' guitar
glaci' ice (natural);
glaci'aĵ' ice
glad' to iron
glan' acorn
gland' gland, glandule
glas' a glass, tumbler
glat' smooth, glossy (not rough)
glav' sword
glim' mica
glit' glide, skate, slide;
glit'il' skate;
glit'vetur'il' sledge
glob' globe
glor' glorify
glu' glue
glut' swallow (vb.)
gobi' gudgeon
ĝoj' rejoice, be glad
golf' gulf
gorĝ' throat
graci' slender
grad' degree
graf' earl, count
grajn' a grain
gramatik' grammar
granat' pomegranate
grand' great, tall;
grand'anim' magnanimous
granit' granite
gras' fat
grat' scratch
gratul' congratulate
grav' important
graved' pregnant
gravur' grave, engrave
gren' grain;
gren'ej' granary
grenad' grenade
gri' hulled grain (t.e. senŝeligita greno ia); coarse oatmeal (t.e. aveno duone muelita)
grifel' slate-pencil
gril' cricket (insect)
grimac' grimace
grinc' gnash, grind (of teeth, etc.)
griz' grey
gros' gooseberry
groŝ' groschen (coin)
grot' grotto
gru' crane (bird)
grup' group
ĝu' enjoy
gudr' tar
guf' owl
gum' gum (product)
gurd' street organ, hurdy-gurdy
gust' taste;
gust'um' taste (trans.)
ĝust' right, exact, correct
gut' drop;
gut'o drop
guvern' teach privately (act as tutor)
gvardi' guard (subst.) (milit.)
gvid' guide
H, Ĥ
ha! ah, alas
hajl' hail
hak' hew, chop;
hak'il' hatchet, axe
hal' hall (market, etc.)
haladz' fume, exhalation
halt' come to a stop
hamstr' hamster
ĥaos' chaos
har' hair;
har'ar' periwig;
har'eg' bristle;
har'lig' plait, tress of hair
hard' harden
haring' herring
harp' harp
haŭt' skin (subst.)
hav' have
haven' port, harbour
heder' ivy
hejm' home
hejt' heat (vb.)
hel' light, clear
help' help;
mal'help' hinder
ĥemi' chemistry
hepat' liver
herb' grass;
herb'ej' meadow, green field
hered' inherit
herez' heresy
herni' hernia, rupture (med.)
hero' hero
hidrarg' quicksilver
hidrogen' hydrogen
hieraŭ yesterday
ĥimer' chimera
hipokrit' feign, play the hypocrite
hirud' leech
hirund' swallow (bird)
hiskiam' henbane
histori' history, story
histrik' porcupine
ho! oh!
hodiaŭ to-day
hok' hook;
fiŝ'hok' fishing-hook;
pord'hok' hinge (of a door)
ĥoler' cholera
hom' man (the species)
honest' honest
honor' honour (vb.);
honor'o honour
hont' be ashamed
hor' hour
ĥor' chorus, choir
horde' barley
horizontal' horizontal
horloĝ' clock
hortulan' ortolan (bird)
hosti' host (consecrated wafer)
hotel' hotel
huf' hoof
humil' humble
humor' temper, humour
hund' dog
husar' hussar
huz' huso, sturgeon
i termination of the infinitive in verbs; e.g. laŭd'i to praise
ia of some kind, any
ial for some cause
iam at some time, ever
ibis' ibis
id' descendant, young one; e.g. bov' oxbov'id' calf
idili' idyl
idol' idol
ie somewhere
iel somehow
ies someone's
ig' to cause to be; e.g. pur' purepur'ig' purify
iĝ' to become; e.g. ruĝ' redruĝ'iĝ' blush
iĥtiokol' isinglass
il' instrument; e.g. tond' sheartond'il' scissors
ili they;
ili'a their
ilumin' illuminate (lamps, lights, etc.)
imag' imagine
imit' imitate
imperi' empire
implik' implicate
impres' impression
in' ending of feminine words; e.g. bov' oxbov'in' cow
incit' provoke, incite
ind' worthy of
indiferent' indifferent
indign' be indignant
indulg' be indulgent, be merciful, spare
industri' industry
infan' child
infekt' infect
infer' hell
influ' influence
infuz' infuse
ing' holder for; e.g. kandel' candlekandel'ing' candlestick
ingven' groin
inĝenier' engineer
iniciat' initiate, start
ink' ink
inklin' inclined, disposed
inokul' inoculate
insekt' insect
insid' lay snares
insign' insignia, armorial bearings
inspir' inspire
instig' instigate
institut' institute
instru' instruct, teach
instrukci' instruction
insul' island
insult' abuse, revile
int' ending of past part. act. in verbs; e.g. am'int' having loved
intenc' intend
inter between, among
interes' interest
interjekci' interjection
intermit' intermit
intern' inner
interpunkci' punctuation
intest' intestine
intim' intimate
intrig' intrigue
invit' invite
io something
iom a little, some quantity
ir' go;
ir'il' stilt, scatch
is ending of past tense in verbs; e.g. am'is loved
ist' person occupied with; e.g. mar' seamar'ist' sailor
it' ending of past part. pass. in verbs; e.g. am'it' having been loved
iu someone
izol' isolate
J, Ĵ
J sign of the plural; e.g. patr'o fatherpatr'o'j fathers
ja emphatic particle
jak' jacket
ĵaluz' jealous
jam already
Januar' January
jar' year
jasmen' jasmine
ĵaŭd' Thursday
je can be rendered by various English prepositions
jen behold, lo;
jenjen sometimessometimes
jes yes;
jes'ig' confirm
ĵet' throw
ĵongl' juggle
judes thethe
jug' yoke
juĝ' judge
jugland' walnut
juk' itch
Juli' July
jun' young
jung' couple, harness (vb.)
Juni' June
juniper' juniper
jup' petticoat
ĵur' swear
ĵus' just, exactly
just' just, righteous
juvel' jewel
kaĉ' pap
kadr' frame (a)
kaduk' decrepit, decayed (of things)
kaf' coffee
kaĝ' cage
kahel' earthen (etc.) tile, flagstone (building)
kaj and
kajer' unbound book, part (of same)
kajut' cabin
kal' corn (on the foot)
kaldron' kettle
kaleŝ' carriage
kalfatr' calk
kalik' chalice, cup
kalikot' calico
kalk' lime
kalkan' heel
kalkul' calculate
kalson' drawers
kalumni' calumniate
kambi' bill of exchange
kamel' camel
kamen' fire-place;
kamen'tub' chimney
kamer' room (dark), camera
kamfor' camphor
kamizol' waistcoat
kamlot' camlet (cloth)
kamomil' camomile
kamp' field
kan' cane (reed)
kanab' hemp
kanajl' scoundrel, rascal
kanap' sofa, lounge
kanari' canary
kancelari' chancery
kancelier' chancellor
kand' sugar-candy
kandel' candle
kankr' crab
kant' sing
kantarid' cantharide
kantor' chanter, precentor
kanvas' canvass (material)
kap' head
kapabl' capable
kapel' chapel
kapitan' captain
kapitel' capital (of pillar)
kapitulac' capitulate
kapon' capon
kapor' caper (berry)
kapot' greatcoat (with cape)
kapr' goat
kapreol' roe, roe-buck
kapric' caprice, whim
kapsul' capsule
kapt' catch;
kapt'il' trap, pit-fall
kapucen' capuchin friar
kapuĉ' cowl, hood
kar' dear
karaben' carabine
karaf' caraffe, decanter
karakter' character
karas' crucian (fish)
karb' coal
kard' thistle
kardel' thistle-finch
kares' caress
kariofil' clove
karmin' carmine
karnaval' carnival
karo' diamonds (cards)
karob' carrob-bean, locust (fruit)
karot' carrot
karp' carp (fish)
karpen' yoke-elm
kart' card
kartav' trill the r strongly
kartilag' cartilage
kartoĉ' cartridge (for gun)
karton' cardboard
karusel' roundabout
kas' till, cash-box, chest (money)
kaŝ' hide (vb.)
kaserol' stewpan, saucepan
kask' helmet
kaŝtan' chestnut
kastel' castle
kastor' beaver
kastr' castrate
kat' cat
kataplasm' poultice
katar' catarrh
katarakt' cataract (eye)
katen' fetter
katun' cotton, calico
kaŭteriz' cauterise
kaŭz' cause;
kaŭz'o cause
kav' cavity, hollow
kavalir' cavalier, knight
kavern' cavern
kaviar' caviare
kaz' case (gram.)
kaze' curds
ke that (conj.)
kegl' skittle
kel' cellar
kelk' some, a few, certain
kelner' waiter
ken' resinous wood
ker' hearts (cards)
kern' kernel, pip
kerub' cherub
kest' chest, box;
tir'kest' drawer
kia of what kind
kial why, wherefore
kiam when
kie where
kiel how
kies whose
kil' keel
kio what
kiom how much
kiras' cuirass
kis' kiss
kitel' smock, blouse
kiu who, which
klaft' fathom (measure)
klap' flap
klar' clear
klarnet' clarinet
klas' class
klav' key (of piano, etc.)
kler' well-educated, cultured
klimat' climate, clime
klin' bend, incline
klister' clyster
klopod' endeavour
kloŝ' bell-shaped cover (clock-shade, etc.)
klub' club, association
kluz' sluice, lock
knab' boy
kned' knead
koaks' coak, coke
kobalt' cobalt
kobold' gnome
koĉenil' cochineal
kojn' wedge
kok' cock (bird)
kokcinel' ladybird
koket' coquet (adj.)
kokluŝ' whooping-cough
kokos' cocoa-nut
koks' hip, hanch
kol' neck;
kol'um' collar;
kol'har'o'j mane
kolbas' sausage
koleg' colleague
kolekt' collect
koler' be angry
kolibr' humming-bird
kolimb' diver (bird)
kolofon' rosin
kolomb' dove
kolon' column
kolor' colour, hue
kolport' hawk (sell), peddle
kolubr' adder, snake
kom' comma
komand' command (mil. and nav.)
komb' comb (vb.)
kombin' combine
komenc' commence
komentari' comment
komerc' trade;
komerc'aĵ' ware, merchandise
komfort' comfort
komisi' commission, entrust
komitat' committee
komiz' clerk
komod' chest of drawers
kompar' compare
kompat' compassionate
komplez' favour, kindness
kompost' set (type)
kompren' understand
kompres' compress (bandage)
komun' common (to all);
komun'um' community, parish
komuni' administer the sacrament
komunik' communicate
kon' know, recognize, be acquainted with
koncern' concern
kondamn' condemn
kondiĉ' condition
kondolenc' condole (with)
konduk' conduct (vb.), steer;
konduk'il' rein
kondut' behave, conduct (oneself) (intr.)
konfes' confess
konfid' confide, trust
konfirm' confirm, ratify
konfit' preserve with sugar
konform' conformably
konfuz' confuse
konjekt' conjecture, guess
konjugaci' conjugate
konjunkci' conjunction
konk' shell, conch
konklud' conclude
konkur' rival, compete
konkurs' a competition
konsci' be conscious of
konscienc' conscience
konsekvenc' consequent
konsent' consent
konserv' preserve
konsider' consider
konsil' advise, counsel
konsist' consist
konsol' console
konsonant' consonant (gram.)
konspir' conspire
konstant' constant
konstat' prove, verify
konstern' dismay, disconcert, startle
konstru' construct, build
konsum' consume
kontant' paid in cash
kontent' content
kontor' office, counting-house
kontrakt' contract
kontraŭ against, opposite;
kontraŭ'e over against; on the contrary
kontur' outline, contour
kontuz' contuse
konus' cone
konval' lily of the valley
konven' be suitable, suit
konvert' convert (vb.)
konvink' convince
konvulsi' convulsion
kopi' copy
kor' heart
koran' Koran
korb' basket
kord' string (mus. instr.)
korekt' correct
korespond' correspond
kork' a cork
korn' horn
kornic' cornice
korp' body
korporaci' corporation
korpus' body of an army
kort' court, courtyard;
kort'eg' court (of a king)
korv' raven
kost' cost (vb.);
kost'o price
kostum' costume
kot' dirt
koton' cotton (product)
koturn' quail (bird)
kov' brood, sit (as a hen etc.)
kovert' envelope
kovr' cover;
kovr'il' a cover;
mal'kovr' uncover, lay bare
kraĉ' spit
krad' grating, crossbars
krajon' pencil
krak' crack, noise
kraken' cracknel
kramp' clamp, bracket
kran' tap, cock
krani' skull
kratag' hawthorn
krater' crater
kravat' cravat
kre' create
kred' believe;
kred'ebl' probable
krem' cream
kren' horse-radish
krep' crape
krepusk' twilight
kresk' grow, increase;
kresk'aĵ' plant, growth
kret' chalk
krev' burst (intr.)
kri' cry out, cry
kribr' sieve, sift
krim' crime
kriminal' criminal (adj.)
kring' ring-shaped cake
kripl' deformed, cripple (adj.)
krisp' mesentery, ruffle (a)
Krist' Christ;
krist'an' Christian;
krist'nask' Christmas
kristal' crystal
kritik' criticise
kriz' crisis
kroĉ' hook to, cling to
krokodil' crocodile
krom not counting, besides, except
kron' crown
kronik' chronicle
krop' crop, craw
kroz' cruise (of warships)
kruc' cross;
kruc'um' crucify
kruĉ' jug, pitcher, cruise
krud' raw, crude, rough
kruel' cruel
krup' croup
krur' leg
krust' crust
krut' steep
kub' cube
kubut' elbow
kudr' sew
kuf' coif, cap, head-dress
kugl' bullet
kuir' cook (vb.)
kuk' cake, cookey
kukol' cuckoo
kukum' cucumber
kukurb' pumpkin, gourd
kul' gnat
kuler' spoon
kulp' guilty, at fault
kun with;
kun'e together
kunikl' rabbit
kup' cupping-glass
kupol' cupola, dome
kupr' copper;
flav'a kupr'o brass
kur' run (intr.)
kurac' treat (as an ilness), cure;
kurac'il' medicine, remedy
kuraĝ' courageous
kurator' trustee, curator
kurb' curved, bent
kurier' courier
kurten' curtain;
flank'kurten' curtain (side);
rul'kurten' window-blind
kusen' cushion;
kusen'eg' bolster (of bed)
kuŝ' lie (down);
sub'kuŝ' succumb
kutim' be accustomed
kuv' tub, bath
kuz' cousin
kvankam although
kvant' quantity
kvar four
kvaranten' quarantine
kvarc' quartz
kvart' quart
kvartal' quarter (of town), ward
kvazaŭ as if
kverk' oak
kviet' quiet, calm
kvin five
kvit' be quit of
kvitanc' receipt (vb), give a quittance
l', la the
labor' work, labour;
per'labor' earn one's living;
pri'labor' elaborate, cultivate
lac' weary
lacert' lizard
laĉ' lace (boots, stays, etc.)
lad' tinned iron
laf' lava
lag' lake;
lag'et' pond
lak' varnish
lake' lackey
laks' diarrhoea, looseness (of bowels)
lakt' milk (subst.);
lakt'um' spawn, milt
lam' lame;
lam'boston' crutch
lamp' lamp
lampir' glow-worm
lan' wool
land' land, country
lang' tongue (organ of speech)
lantern' lantern
lanug' down, fluff (of feathers)
lard' bacon
larĝ' broad;
laŭ'larĝ' across, in width
laring' larynx
larm' tear (subst.) (shed a)
larv' chrysalis
las' leave, let alone
last' last, latest
laŭ according to
laŭb' arbour, summer-house
laŭd' praise
laŭr' laurel (tree)
laŭt' loud
lav' wash
lavang' avalanche
lecion' lesson
led' leather
leg' read
legend' legend
legi' legion
legom' vegetable (eatable)
leĝ' law
lek' lick
lekant' marguerite
leksikon' lexicon
lent' lentil
lentug' freckle
leon' lion
leontod' dandelion
leopard' leopard
lepor' hare
lepr' leprosy
lern' learn;
lern'ej' school
lert' skilful
lesiv' lye, buck (for bleaching)
leter' letter
leŭtenant' lieutenant
lev' lift, raise;
lev'il' leaver, lever
levkoj' wall-flower, gilly flower
li he;
li'a his
lian' liana (bot.)
libel' dragon fly
liber' free
libr' book;
libr'o'ten'ant' book-keeper
lien' spleen
lig' bind, tie
lign' wood (the substance)
liken' lichen (bot.)
likvid' liquidate
likvor' liqueur (a cordial)
lili' lily
lim' limit;
lim'ig' limit (vb.)
limak' snail
limonad' lemonade
lin' flax
lingv' language
lini' line
link' lynx
lip' lip;
lip'har'o'j mustache
lir' lyre
lit' bed (couch)
litani' litany
liter' letter (of alphabet)
liut' lute
liver' deliver, furnish
livre' livery
lod' half an ounce
log' entice;
de'log' seduce
loĝ' dwell, lodge, live
loĝi' lodge, box (theatre)
lojt' eel-pout, lote
lok' place
lokomotiv' locomotive
lol' tare (plant)
long' long;
laŭ'long' along
lonicer' honey-suckle
lorn' perspective-glass
lot' cast lots;
lot'um' allot
lu' hire, take on rent
lud' play
luks' luxury
lul' lull asleep, rock;
lul'il' cradle
lum' shine, give light;
mal'lum'a dark;
lum'tur' light-house
lumb' loins, haunch
lun' moon
lunatik' lunatic
lund' Monday
lup' wolf
lupol' hops
lustr' lustre, chandelier
lut' solder
lutr' common otter
mac' unleavened bread
maĉ' chew
magazen' shop, store, warehouse
magi' magic, black art
magnet' magnet
maiz' maize
Maj' May
majest' majestic, dignified
majstr' master (of his art);
sub'majstr' journeyman, foreman
makler' act as broker, deal
makul' stain
makzel' jaw-bone, cheek-bone
mal' denotes opposites; e.g. alt' highmal'alt' low
maleol' ankle
malgraŭ in spite of
malic' malicious
mam' breast, udder
man' hand;
man'plat' palm (hand);
man'um' cuff (of sleeve), wristhand
mana' manna
mangan' manganese
manĝ' eat;
maten'manĝ' breakfast;
tag'manĝ' dine;
vesper'manĝ' sup
manier' manner
manik' sleeve
mank' want, lack
manovr' manoeuvre (milit. and nav.)
mantel' mantle
mar' sea
marĉ' swamp, marsh
marĉand' bargain (vb.)
marcipan' marzipan (almond paste)
mard' Tuesday
mark' mark
markot' layer (hort.)
marmor' marble
marmot' marmot
maroken' morocco leather
marŝ' march, walk
marŝal' marshal
Mart' March
martel' hammer
mas' mass
maŝ' mesh
maŝin' machine
masiv' massive
mask' mask
mason' build with stone
mast' mast
mastik' mastic, putty
mastr' master (of house), host;
mastr'um' keep house, husband
mat' mat
maten' morning
matrac' mattress
matur' mature, ripe
mebl' furniture
meĉ' wick;
meĉ'aĵ' tinder, match
medal' medal
medalion' medallion
medit' reflect, meditate
meĥanik' mechanics
mejl' mile
mel' badger
meleagr' turkey
melk' milk (vb.)
melon' melon;
akv'o'melon' water-melon
mem self
membr' member, limb
membran' membrane
memor' remember
mem'star' self-subsistent
mend' bespeak, give an order
mensog' tell a lie
ment' mint
menton' chin
merit' merit
meriz' bird-cherry
merkred' Wednesday
merl' blackbird
mes' mass
Mesi' Messiah
met' put, place;
el'met' display, expose
meti' handicraft
mev' sea-gull
mez' middle;
tag'mez' mid-day
mez'o'nombr' average
mezur' measure;
al'mezur' try on, fit on, adjust
mi I;
mi'a my, mine
miel' honey
mien' mien, air
migdal' almond
migr' migrate
miks' mix
mil' thousand
mili' millet
milit' make war;
al'milit' conquer
min' mine
minac' menace, threaten
minut' minute
miogal' musk-rat
miop' short-sighted
miozot' forget-me-not
mir' wonder
mirh' myrrh
mirt' myrtle
mirtel' bilberry
misi' mission
mister' mystery;
mister'a mysterious
mizer' distress, misery
mod' fashion, mood (gram.)
model' model
moder' moderate
modest' modest
mok' mock, ridicule
mol' soft
mol'anas' eider-duck
moment' moment
mon' money
monaĥ' monk, friar
monarĥ' monarch
monat' month
mond' world
moned' jack-daw, chough
monstr' monster
mont' mountain
montr' show (vb.)
monument' monument
mops' pug-dog
mor' custom, usage
morbil' measles
mord' bite;
mord'et' gnaw
morgaŭ to-morrow
mort' die
morter' mortar
morus' mulberry
most' must
moŝt' universal title; e.g. vi'a reĝ'a moŝt'o your majesty; vi'a moŝt'o your honor
mov' move
muel' grind, mill
muf' muff
muĝ' roar (wind, etc.)
muk' mucus
mul' mule
mult' much, many
mur' wall
murmur' murmur
mus' mouse
muŝ' fly (a)
musk' moss
muskat' nutmeg
muskol' muscle
muslin' muslin
mustard' mustard
mustel' weasel, marten
mut' dumb
n ending of the objective; also marks direction
naci' nation
naĝ' swim
najbar' neighbour
najl' nail
najtingal' nightingale
nanken' nankeen, nankin
nap' cabbage-turnip
narcis' daffodil
nask' bear, produce;
nask'iĝ' be born;
du'nask'it' twin
natur' nature
naŭ nine
naŭz' nauseate
naz' nose;
naz'um' pince-nez
ne no, not
nebul' fog
neces' necessary;
neces'ej' water-closet;
neces'uj' workbox-sewing-case
neĝ' snow
negliĝ' neglige, loose-gown
negoc' business
neknek neithernor
nenia not any kind of, no
neniam never
nenie nowhere
neniel in no way, not anyhow, not at all
nenies no one's
nenio nothing
neniu nobody
nep' grandson
nepr'e without fail
nest' nest
net' clean (as a copy), neat;
mal'net' rough draft
nev' nephew
ni we;
ni'a our
niĉ' niche
nigr' black
nivel' level (sea, etc.)
nj' diminutive of female names; e.g. Henriet' HenriettaHenri'nj', He'nj' Hetty
nobel' nobleman
nobl' noble
nokt' night
nom' name;
nom'i name, nominate;
nom'e namely, viz
nombr' number;
unu'nombr' singular
nominativ' nominative
nord' north
not' make a note of, note;
not'o (muzik'a) note (mus.)
notari' notary
nov' new
Novembr' November
novic' novice
nu! well!
nuanc' nuance, shade, hue
nub' cloud
nud' nude, naked, bare
nuk' nape (of neck)
nuks' nut
nul' zero, nought
numer' number (of a magazine, etc.)
nun now
nur only (adv.)
nutr' nourish, feed (trans.)
o ending of nouns (substantive)
obe' obey
objekt' object
fold; e.g. du twodu'obl' twofold, duplex
oblat' wafer, seal
observ' observe
obstin' obstinate
obstrukc' obstruction
odor' give out odour, smell
ofend' offend
ofer' sacrifice, offer
ofic' office, duty, function;
ofic'ist' official, functionary;
ofic'ej' bureau, office
oficir' officer (mil. and nav., etc.)
oft' often
ok eight
okaz' happen;
okaz'o occasion;
okaz'a accidental
okcident' west
oksigen' oxygen
oksikok' cranberry
Oktobr' October
okul' eye;
okul'har' eye-lash;
okul'vitr' spectacles
okup' occupy
okzal' sorrel (plant)
ol than
ole' oil
oliv' olive
omar' lobster
ombr' shadow
ombrel' umbrella
on' marks fractions; e.g. kvar fourkvar'on' a fourth, quarter
ond' wave
oni one, people, they
onkl' uncle
ont' ending of fut. part. act. in verbs
op marks collective numerals; e.g. tri threetri'op' three together
opal' opal
opini' be of opinion, think
oportun' opportune, suitable
or' gold
orakol' oracle
oranĝ' orange
ord' order, arrange
orden' order (of knighthood etc.)
ordinar' ordinary
ordon' order, command
orel' ear
orf' orphan
orgen' organ (mus.)
orient' east, orient
ornam' ornament (vb.), adorn
os ending of future tense in verbs
osced' yawn, gape
ost' bone
ostr' oyster
ot' ending of fut. part. pass. in verbs
ov' egg;
ov'uj' ovary;
ov'blank' white of an egg
oval' oval
pac' peace
pacienc' patience
paf' shoot;
paf'il' gun;
paf'il'eg' cannon
pag' pay;
de'pag' duty
paĝ' page (book)
paĝi' page (servant)
pajl' straw
pak' pack, put up
pal' pale
palac' palace
palat' palate
paletr' palette
palis' pale, stake
palm' palm-tree
palp' touch, feel
palpebr' eyelid;
palpebr'um' blink, wink
pan' bread
pantalon' trousers
panter' panther
pantofl' slipper
pap' pope
papag' parrot
papav' poppy
paper' paper
papili' butterfly
par' pair
parad' parade, make a show
paradiz' paradise
paraliz' paralyse
parazit' parasite
pardon' forgive
parenc' relation
parentez' parenthesis
parfum' perfume, scent
parget' parquetry
park' park
parker' by heart
paroĥ' parish
parol' speak;
inter'parol' conversation;
el'parol' pronounce
part' part;
part'o'pren' take part in, participate
parter' pit (theatre), ground-floor
parti' party, faction;
parti'a partial
particip' participle
paru' tomtit, titmouse
pas' pass (intr.)
paŝ' step, pace
pasament' braid-trimmings, passementerie;
pasament'ist' maker of trimmings
paser' sparrow
pasi' passion (not anger)
Pask' Easter
pasport' passport
past' dough, paste
paŝt' feed (animals), graze, pasture (trans.)
pasteĉ' tart, pie, pasty
pastel' lozenge
pastinak' parsnip
pastr' priest, pastor
pat' frying-pan
patr' father;
patr'uj' fatherland
patrol' patrol
paŭz' pause
pav' peacock
pavim' pavement
pec' piece
peĉ' pitch
pedik' louse
peg' woodpecker
pejzaĝ' landscape
pek' sin
pekl' pickle in brine, salt (vb.)
pel' drive, chase (vb.)
pelikan' pelican
pelt' fur
pelv' basin, pelvis
pen' endeavour, try to
pend' hang (intr.);
de'pend' depend, hang from;
el'pend'aĵ' signboard
pendol' pendulum
penetr' penetrate
penik' paintbrush
pens' think;
el'pens' invent;
pri'pens' consider
pensi' pension
pent' repent
Pentekost' Pentecost, Whitsuntide
pentr' paint (vb.)
pep' chirp, warble
per through, by means of;
per'a mediate;
per'i mediate, interpose
perĉ' pope, ruffe (fish) (acerina vulg.)
perd' lose
perdrik' partridge
pere' perish;
pere'ig' cause to perish, wreck
perfekt' perfect
perfid' betray;
perfid'a perfidious
pergamen' parchment
peritone' peritoneum
perk' perch (fish)
perl' pearl
perlamot' mother of pearl
permes' permit, allow;
for'permes' grant leave of absence, give furlough
peron' door-stop, platform (in a station, etc.)
persekut' persecute, prosecute
persik' peach
persist' persist
person' person;
person'a personal
pes' weight (vb. act.);
pes'il' balance, pair of scales
pest' plague
pet' request, beg
petol' be mischievous, romp, wanton
petrol' petroleum
petromiz' lamprey
petrosel' parsley
pez' weigh (vb. neut.);
pez'il' weight (for scales)
pi' pious
pice' silver fir-tree
pied' foot (body);
pied'ing' stirrup
piedestal' pedestal
pig' magpie
pik' prick, sting; spade (cards);
pik'il' sting (a)
piked' picket (milit.), piquet (cards)
pilk' ball (to play with)
pilol' pill
pilot' pilot, loadsmann
pin' pine-tree
pinĉ' pinch
pingl' pin
pini' Siberian cedar
pint' point, tip, peak
pionir' pioneer
pip' pipe (tobacco)
pipr' pepper
pips' pip (poultry disease)
pir' pear
pirit' gravel, pyrites
pirol' bullfinch
piroz' pirosis (med)
pist' pound, bray (in a mortar)
piŝt' piston, sucker
pistak' pistachio-nut
pistol' pistol
piz' pea
plac' public square
plaĉ' be pleasing, please (intr.)
plad' dish, platter
plafon' ceiling
plan' plan
pland' sole (of the foot)
planed' planet
plank' floor
plant' plant (vb.)
plastr' plaster (med.)
plat' flat, plain
platen' platina
plaŭd' splash, ripple, purl
plej most
plekt' weave, plait
plen' full, complete;
plen'aĝ' of full age;
plen'um' fulfil, accomplish
plend' complain
plet' tray, salver
plezur' pleasure
pli more
plik' Polish ringworm
plor' mourn, weep
plot' roach (fish.)
plu farther, further
plug' plough (vb.)
plum' feather, pen
plumb' lead (metal)
pluŝ' plush
pluv' rain
po at the rate of
poent' point (in games)
pokal' cup, goblet
polic' police (the system)
poligon' buckwheat
polur' polish, gloss
polus' pole (geol.)
polv' dust (subst.)
pom' apple;
ter'pom' potato
ponard' dagger, poniard;
ponard'eg' spear, lance
pont' bridge
popl' poplar
popol' people;
popol'amas' mob, populace
por for
porcelan' china, porcelain
porci' portion
pord' door;
pord'eg' gate
porfir' porphyry
pork' pig
port' carry;
al'port' bring;
el'port' bear, endure
porter' porter, beer
portret' portrait
poŝ' pocket
posed' possess
post after, behind
poŝt' post (the system);
sign'o de poŝt'o postage-stamp
posten' post (milit.)
postul' require, claim
pot' pot
potas' potash
potenc' might, power
pov' be able, can
pra' great-, fore- (rel. to ancestors and descendants)
praktik' practice (of a profession)
pram' ferry-boat, praam
prav' right (to be in the right)
precip' particularly
preciz' precise
predik' preach
predikat' predicate (gram.)
prefer' prefer
preĝ' pray
prem' press
premi' prize, reward (subst.)
pren' take;
pren'o trick (cards);
pren'il' tongs
prepar' prepare
prepozici' preposition
pres' print (vb.)
preskaŭ almost
pret' ready
pretekst' pretext
pretend' lay claim to
preter beyond, past, by
prez' price
prezent' present (vb.), introduce (a person);
re'prezent' represent
prezid' preside
pri concerning, about
primol' primrose
princ' prince
printemp' springtime
privat' private
privilegi' privilege
pro for the sake of
pro'cent' percentage, interest (money);
procent'eg' usury
proces' lawsuit, process
produkt' produce
profesi' profession
profet' prophet
profit' profit, gain
profund' deep
progres' advance, progress
proklam' proclaim
prokrast' delay, defer
proksim' near
promen' to walk, promenade
promes' promise
promontor' promontory, cape
pronom' pronoun
propon' propose, suggest
propr' own (one's own)
prosper' to succeed in
prov' attempt, try to
proverb' proverb
provinc' province
proviz' provide
prudent' reasonable
prujn' rime, hoar frost
prun' plum
prunel' sloe
prunt' borrow, loan
pruv' prove, demonstrate
publik' public;
publik'a public, common
pudel' spaniel
pudr' powder (cosmetic)
pugn' fist
pul' flea
pulm' lung
pulv' gunpowder
pulvor' powder (med. or chem.)
pumik' pumice-stone
pump' pump (vb.)
pun' punish
punc' crimson red
punĉ' punch (drink)
punkt' full stop, dot, point;
punkt'o'kom' semicolon;
du'punkt' colon
punt' lace (point, etc.)
pup' doll
pupil' pupil (eye)
pur' clean, pure
purpur' purple
pus' pus, matter
puŝ' push
put' well (subst.)
putor' pole-cat, skunk
putr' rot, putrify
rab' rob
rabat' rebate, discount
raben' Jewish rabbi
rabot' plane (vb.)
rad' wheel
radi' beam, ray
radik' root
rafan' radish
rafin' refine
rajd' ride
rajt' right, authority;
rajt'ig' empower
rakont' tell, relate
ramp' crawl;
ramp'aĵ' reptile
ran' frog
ranc' rancid
rand' edge, border, hem (s.)
rang' rank, dignity
ranunkol' ranunculus
rap' turnip
rapid' quick, rapid
rapir' rapier, foil
raport' report
rasp' rasp, grate (vb.)
rast' rake (vb.)
rat' rat
raŭk' hoarse
raŭp' caterpillar
rav' enrapture, delight
raz' shave
re' again, back
reciprok' mutual, reciprocal
redakci' editorial department
redaktor' compiler, editor
reg' rule, govern;
reg'at' subject
reĝ' king
regal' entertain, regale
regiment' regiment
region' district, region, part
registr' register
regn' State (the)
regol' wren
regul' rule (subst.)
rekomend' recommend
rekompenc' reward
rekrut' recruit
rekt' straight;
mal'rekt' crooked, not straight
rel' a rail
religi' religion
rem' row (vb.)
rembur' quilt (vb.), stuff, pad
rempar' rampart
ren' kidney
renkont' meet
rent' yearly income
renvers' upset
respekt' respect
respond' reply;
respond'ec' responsibility
rest remain
restoraci' eating-house
ret' net (a)
rev' dream (vb.);
dis'rev'iĝ' disenchantment
rezerv' reserve
rezin' resin
rib' currant
ribel' revolt, rebel (vb.)
riĉ' rich
ricev' obtain, get, receive
rid' laugh
rif' reef
rifuĝ' take refuge, shelter
rifuz' refuse;
rifuz'iĝ' renounce claim
rigard' behold, look at
rigid' stiff, rigid
rigl' bolt (vb.);
rigl'il' bolt
rikolt' reap;
rikolt'il' sickle
rilat' relate to
rim' rhyme
rimark' remark
rimed' means, remedy
rimen' strap (a)
ring' ring (subst.);
ring'eg' hoop
rinocer' rhinoceros
rip' rib
ripet' repeat
ripoz' repose
riproĉ' reproach
risk' risk
risort' spring (s.) (mech.)
river' river
riverenc' curtsey
riz' rice
rod' landing-place (mar.)
romp' break
rond' round, circle
ronk' snore
ros' dew
rosmar' walrus
rosmaren' rosemary
rost' roast
rostr' trunk (proboscis)
rot' troop, company (soldiers)
roz' rose
rozari' rosary
rub' rubbish
ruband' ribbon
ruben' ruby
rubrik' rubric
ruĝ' red
ruin' ruins, a ruin;
ruin'ig' ruin, destroy
rukt' eructation
rul' roll;
rul'o roller, cylinder
rum' rum
rust' rust
ruz' cunning, sly
S, Ŝ
sabat' Saturday
sabl' sand;
sabl'aĵ' sandbank
ŝaf' sheep
safir' saphire
safran' saffron
sag' arrow
saĝ' wise
sagac' subtle, crafty, sharp
ŝajn' seem
sak' sack
ŝak' chess
ŝakal' jackal
sakr' sacrum (anat.)
sal' salt
ŝal' shawl
salajr' wages, salary
salamandr' salamander
sal'amoniak' sal-ammoniac
salat' salad
salik' willow
salm' salmon
ŝalm' reed-pipe
salon' drawing-room
salpetr' saltpetre
salt' leap, jump
salut' salute, greet
salvi' sage
sam' same
ŝam' chamois-leather
sambuk' elder-tree
san' healthy
ŝancel' stagger, cause to totter (trans.)
sang' blood
ŝanĝ' change
sankt' sacred, holy;
sant'ej' temple
sap' soap
sardel' sardine
ŝarg' load (a gun, etc.)
ŝarĝ' charge, load
sark' weed (vb.)
ŝark' shark, sea-dog
sat' satiated
ŝat' prize, value;
mal'ŝat' hold of no value, not care about
satur' saturate
saŭc' sauce
ŝaŭm' foam
sav' save, rescue
sceptr' sceptre
sci' know;
sci'ig' announce, give notice;
sci'iĝ' be told, hear
scienc' science
sciur' squirrel
se if
seb' tallow, suet
sed but
seg' saw (vb.)
seĝ' chair
sek' dry
sekal' rye
sekc' dissect
sekret' secret
sekretari' secretary
seks' sex
sekund' second (a)
sekv' follow
sel' saddle;
sel'i saddle
ŝel' shell, peel, bark;
sen'ŝel'ig' shell, peel (vb.)
selakt' whey
ŝelk' braces, suspenders
sem' sow;
sem'o seed
semajn' week
sen without
senc' sense, meaning
send' send
sent' feel, perceive
sentenc' sentence, judgment
sep seven
sepi' cuttle-fish
Septembr' September
serĉ' search
ŝerc' joke
serĝent' sergeant
seri' series
serioz' serious
serpent' serpent
serur' lock (fastening)
serv' serve
servic' set of dishes, plates, etc.
servut' bondage
ses six
sever' severe, strict
sezon' season
si one's self;
si'a one's
ŝi she;
ŝi'a her
sibl' hiss, whizz
sid' sit;
kun'sid' session
sieĝ' besiege
sigel' seal (vb.);
sigel'vaks' sealing-wax
sign' sign, token;
post'sign' trace, vestige, footstep
signal' signal
signif' signify, mean
silab' syllable;
silab'i to spell
ŝild' shield
silent' be silent
silik' flint
silk' silk
silur' shad-fish
silvi' warbler (bird)
ŝim' grow mouldy
simi' monkey
simil' like, similar
simpl' simple
sincer' sincere
ŝind' shingle (roofing)
singult' hiccough
sinjor' Sir, Mr
ŝink' ham
ŝip' ship
ŝir' tear, rend
siring' lilac
ŝirm' protect, screen
sirop' syrup
sitel' bucket, pail
situaci' situation, position
skabi' mange, scab
skadr' squadron
skal' scale (measure)
skapol' shoulder-blade
skarab' beetle
skarlat' scarlet
skarp' scarf
skatol' small box, case
skerm' fence (vb.)
skiz' sketch
sklav' slave
skolop' woodcock
skorbut' scurvy
skorpi' scorpion
skrap' shave, scrape
skrib' write
skrofol' scrofula
sku' shake (trans.)
skulpt' sculpture;
skulpt'il' chisel
skurĝ' scourge
skvam' scale (fish, etc.)
ŝlim' slime, mire, mud
ŝlos' lock, fasten;
ŝlos'il key
ŝmac' kiss loudly (with a smack)
smerald' emerald
ŝmir' spread, smear
ŝnur' string
sobr' sober;
mal'sobr' drunk
societ' society
sof' sofa
soif' thirst
sojl' threshold
sol' only, alone
soldat' soldier
solen' solemn
solv' dissolve
somer' summer
son' sound (intr.)
sonĝ' dream
sonor' give out a sound (as a bell)
son'serpent' rattle-snake
sopir' long for, yearn
sopran' soprano, treble
sorb' absorb, sip
sorĉ' practise witchcraft
sorik' shrew-mouse
sorp' sorb (sorb-apple)
sort' fate, lot
ŝov' thrust, shove
sovaĝ' wild, savage
ŝovel' shovel
spac' room, space
spalir' espalier
ŝpar' save, be sparing of
spat' spar (min.)
spec' kind, species
spegul' looking-glass
spert' experienced
spez' turnover (money), exchange;
el'spez' expend;
en'spez' have income, receipt
spic' spice
spik' ear head (of corn, etc.)
spin' spine, back-bone
ŝpin' spin
spinac' spinach
spion' spy (a)
spir' breathe
spirit' spirit
spit' in spite of
spong' sponge
sprit' witty, quick-witted
spron' spur
ŝpruc' spirt, gush (intr.)
sput' spit (blood, phlegm, etc.)
ŝrank' cupboard
ŝraŭb' screw
stab' staff-officers
stabl' trestle, workman's bench
staci' station, depot (railroad);
staci'dom' station (building)
stal' stall, shed, stable
ŝtal' steel
stamp' stamp (with a die)
stan' tin;
stan'i tin
standard' flag
stang' pole
star' stand
stat' state, condition
ŝtat' State
steb' stitch (back) (vb.)
stel' star
ŝtel' steal
step' steppe, moor
sterk' dung, manure
sterled' sterlet (fish)
stern' spread out (on ground, etc.), lay
stertor' to rattle (in the throat)
stil' style
stip' feather-grass (stipa)
ŝtip' block, log
stof' stofe (measure)
ŝtof' stuff
stomak' stomach
ŝton' stone
ŝtop' stop up, bung up
strab' squint
strang' strange
strat' street
streĉ' stretch, strain
strek' make a line or stroke;
strek'o streak, stroke
stri' stripe, band
strig' owl
strik' strike (labour)
ŝtrump' stocking
strut' ostrich
student' student (of college etc.)
stuk' stucco (vb.)
stup' tow
ŝtup' tow (subst.);
ŝtup'ar' staircase, ladder
sturg' sturgeon
sturn' starling
ŝu' shoe
sub under, beneath, below
subit' sudden
subjekt' subject (gram.)
sublimat' corrosive sublimate
substantiv' noun, substantive
suĉ' suck
sud' south
sufer' suffer
sufiĉ' sufficient
sufok' suffocate (trans.)
suk' sap, juice
sukcen' amber
sukces' succeed
suker' sugar
ŝuld' owe
sulfur' sulphur
sulk' furrow
ŝultr' shoulder
sum' sum;
re'sum' make a summary
sun' sun;
sun'flor' sunflower
sup' soup
super over, above;
super'i surpass, excel;
super'akv' overflow, deluge;
super'flu' superfluous;
super'jar' leap-year
superstiĉ' superstition
supoz' suppose
supr' upper (adj.);
supr'o summit, top;
supr'aĵ' surface
sur upon, on
surd' deaf
surpriz' surprise
surtut' overcoat
suspekt' suspect
ŝut' pour out (solids)
svat' act as matchmaker
ŝvel' swell
sven' faint, swoon
sving' swing (trans.)
ŝvit' perspire
tabak' tobacco
taban' gad-fly
tabel' table, index
tabl' table
tabul' board, plank, tablet
taĉment' detachment (troops)
taft' taffeta (material)
tag' day
tajlor' tailor
taks' tax, appraise
talent' talent
tali' figure, waist, stature
talp' mole (animal)
tambur' drum;
tambur'i beat (drum)
tamen however, nevertheless
tan' tan
tapet' wall-paper, paper-hangings
tapiŝ' carpet
tas' cup
taŭg' be fit for
tavol' layer, stratum
te' tea;
te'kruĉ' tea-pot;
te'maŝin' tea-kettle
ted' bore, weary, annoy
teg' cover (wholly) (vb.);
teg'o covering, slip
tegment' roof;
sub'tegment' garret
teks' weave
teler' plate
tem' theme, topic
temp' time
tempi' temple (of forehead)
ten' hold, grasp;
ten'il' handle, haft;
de'ten' abstain from, restrain;
sub'ten' prop, stay
tend' tent
tenden' tendon
tent' tempt
ter' earth;
en'ter'ig' bury;
ter'kol' isthmus;
ter'pom' potato
teras' terrace
terebint' turpentine
termin' term, technical name
tern' sneeze
terur' terror, horror, fright
testament' will, testament
testik' testicle
testud' tortoise
tetan' tetanus
tetr' grouse
tetra' hazel-hen
tez' thesis, proposition
tia such
tial therefore
tiam then
tibi' shin bone
tie there
tiel thus, so
tigr' tiger
tikl' tickle
tili' lime-tree
tim' fear
timian' thyme
timon' shaft, pole
tine' moth
tint' chink, clank, jingle
tio that (thing)
tiom so much
tir' draw, pull, drag;
kun'tir' draw together
titol' title
tiu that (one) (person or thing)
tol' linen (mat.);
tol'aĵ' underlinen (washing)
toler' tolerate
tomb' tomb, grave
tombak' pinchbeck
ton' tone, sound
tond' clip, shear;
tond'il' scissors
tondr' thunder
topaz' topaz
torĉ' torch
tord' wind, twist
torf' peat, turf
torn' turn (on a lathe)
tornistr' knapsack
tort' tart
tra through (place)
trab' beam (of wood)
traduk' translate
traf' hit the mark
traĥe' wind-pipe
trajt' lineament, feature
trakt' transact, treat of (a subject)
tranĉ' cut;
al'tranĉ' cut out
trankvil' tranquil, quiet
trans across
tre very
tref' clubs (at cards)
trem' tremble
tremol' aspen
tremp' dip, steep
tren' drag, trail
trezor' treasure
tri three
tribun' orator's pulpit
tri'foli' clover, trefoil
trik' knit
trikot' stockinet (mat. for tights, jerseys, etc.)
tril' trill
trink' drink
trip' tripe
tritik' wheat
trivial' trivial
tro too
trog' trough
tromb' water-spout
tromp' deceive, cheat
tron' throne
tropik' tropic
trot' trot
trotuar' pavement
tro'uz' use to excess, abuse
trov' find
tru' hole
trud' press upon, obtrude
truf' truffle
trul' trowel
trumpet' trumpet
trunk' trunk, stem;
trunk'et' stalk
trut' trout
tualet' toilet
tub' tube
tuber' tuber, bump, swelling
tuf' tuft
tuj immediately
tuk' a cloth
tul' tulle
tulip' tulip
tumult' tumult
tur' tower
turban' turban
turd' thrush
turkis' turquoise
turment' torment
turn' turn (trans.)
turnir' tournament
turt' turtle-dove
tus' cough
tuŝ' touch
tut' whole, entire, total
u ending of the imperative in verbs
uj' filled with; e.g. ink' inkink'uj' ink-pot; pom' applepom'uj' apple-tree; Turk'uj' Turkey
ul' person noted for
; e.g. avar' covetousavar'ul' miser, covetous person
ulcer' ulcer
ulm' elm
uln' ell (cloth measure)
um' this syllable has no fixed meaning
umbilik' navel
unc' ounce
ung' nail (finger);
ung'eg' claw, talon
uniform' uniform (dress)
univers' universe
universal' universal
universitat' university
unu one
ur' ure-ox, wid-bull
urb' town;
antaŭ'urb' suburb
urin' urine
urn' urn
urogal' wild cock
urs' bear (animal)
urtik' nettle
us ending of conditional in verbs
uter' matrix (anat.), uterus
util' useful;
mal'util' harmful
uz' use, employ (vb.);
uz'aĵ' implement, utensil;
tro'uz' use to excess, abuse
uzurp' usurp
vafl' wafer (cake)
vag' rove, wander about
vagon' carriage (railway);
vagon'ar' train
vakcini' vaccinium (vitisidaea)
vaks' wax;
vaks'tol' cerecloth, oil cloth;
sigel'vaks' sealing-wax
val' valley
valiz' valise
vals' waltz
van' futile, vain
vang' cheek;
vang'har'o'j whiskers
vanil' vanilla (spice)
vant' frivolous, vain, empty
vapor' vapour, steam
varb' enlist, enrol
variol' smallpox
varm' warm;
mal'varm'um' catch cold
vart' nurse, tend (children)
vasal' vassal
vast' wide, vast;
mal'vast' narrow, restricted;
vast'ig' extend, enlarge (trans.)
vat' wadding
vaz' vessel, vase
ve! wo, woe!
veget' vegetate
vejn' vein
vek' wake, arouse (trans.)
vekt' beam (of scales, balances, etc.)
vel' sail (subst.)
velen' vellum
velk' fade
velur' velvet
ven' come;
de'ven' be derived from, originate from
vend' sell
vendred' Friday
venen' poison
venĝ' take revenge, avenge
venk' conquer
vent' wind (subst.);
vent'um' fan
ventol' ventilate
ventr' belly
ver' truth
verb' verb
verd' green
verdigr' verdigris
verg' rod
verk' work (literary)
verm' worm
vermiĉel' vermicelli
vers' verse
verŝ' pour
verst' verst
vert' top (of head), pate
vertebr' vertebra
vertikal' vertical
veruk' wart
vesp' wasp
vesper' evening
vespert' bat
vest' clothe;
vest'o clothes
vestibl' lobby, vestibule
veŝt' waistcoat
vet' bet, wager
veter' weather
vetur' journey, travel
vezik' blister, bladder
vezir' visier
vi you;
vi'a your
viand' meat, flesh
viburn' guelder-rose, viburnum
vic' row, rank
vid' see
vidv' widower
vigl' alert, spirited
vikari' vicar, deputy
vil' rag, tuft
vilaĝ' village;
vilaĝ'an' villager, peasant
vin' wine;
vin'ber' grape;
sek'vin'ber' raisin
vinagr' vinegar
vind' swaddle, swathe
vintr' winter
viol' violet (flower)
violon' violin
violonĉel' violoncello
vip' whip
vipur' viper
vir' man, male
virg' virginal;
mal'virg'ig' dishonour, violate, deflower
virt' virtue
virtuoz' virtuoso
viŝ' wipe;
viŝ'il' towel
vitr' glass (substance);
okul'vitr'o spectacles
vitriol' vitriol
viv' live
vizaĝ' face
vizier' visor
vizit' visit
voĉ' voice
voj' way, road
vojaĝ' voyage
vok' call
vokal' vowel
vol' wish, will
volont' willingly
volum' volume
volupt' sensual pleasure
volv' wind, wrap round (trans.)
vom' vomit
vort' word
vost' tail
vual' veil
vulkan' volcano
vulp' fox
vultur' vulture
vund' wound
zebr' zebra
zenit' zenith
zibel' sable
zingibr' ginger
zink' zinc
zizel' zizel (zool.)
zon' belt, girdle
zorg' look after, see to;
zorg'ant' guardian;
zorg'at' ward
zum' hum, buzz